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Reading material


This extension will have you create a task scheduler that runs tasks in parallel. More specifically, you want to create exactly one thread per task.


This is actually a very bad approach to multithreading, since threads are slow to create and require relatively many resources (a stack, constant context switching). Creating as many threads as there are tasks (i.e., probably hundreds) is rather foolish since your machine very probably has much fewer cores. A good rule of thumb is not to create more threads than you have cores. Other schedulers will use a more sensible approach.

Create files tasks/naive-parallel-task-scheduler.cpp and tasks/naive-parallel-task-scheduler.h and update tasks/task-schedulers.h. Implement the naive scheduler. Make it accessible through a factory function

TaskScheduler naive_parallel();

Use the provided serial scheduler’s implementation as a guide.


Make sure the scheduler’s perform method only returns after all the task-performing threads have finished.

Find out how to make your ray tracer use your new scheduler.


The line of code that needs an update currently must mention the serial task scheduler.

Debugging multithreaded code is no fun. Make it so that debug build always uses the serial task scheduler whereas release build will use your newly made parallel scheduler.

1. Evaluation

Show the code that lets the ray tracer use the serial/parallel scheduler in debug/release build, respectively.

  • Have the ray tracer use the serial scheduler again (in release build).

  • Render something that takes at least 30 seconds to render on your machine. You can set the resolution high, render many frames, render in high quality (i.e., a good sampler), use a complicated scene…​

  • Move back to the new scheduler.

  • Render the same scene and show that the rendering times have been cut down.

How many (logical) cores does your machine have? By what factor have rendering times been lowered?