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1. Resizing

Say you have a primitive and want to resize it along the X-axis so that its total width is 0.2. You can of course use the scale function, but this requires you to determine the original width of the primitive and then compute the factor by which to multiply so that its size ends up at 0.2. We can make a smarter scaling function, one which instead of expecting a scaling factor gets a target size.

var scaled = scale(some_factor, 1, 1, primitive)

// becomes

var scaled = resize_x(0.2, primitive)

Create new files primitives/resizer-primitive.cpp and primitives/resizer-primitive.cpp. Implement functions with signature

Primitive resize_x(Primitive child, double size);
Primitive resize_y(Primitive child, double size);
Primitive resize_z(Primitive child, double size);

resize_D(child, target) scales child so that its size in the D dimension equals target.

2. Uniform Resizing

resize_x(primitive, target_width) lets you easily create a primitive of width target_width, but it does so by squashing the primitive. Perhaps you want the height and depth to be scaled alongside its width, i.e., scaling uniformly along all three dimensions, so that the primitive maintains its propertions.

Implement functions with signature

Primitive resize_x_uniform(Primitive child, double size);
Primitive resize_y_uniform(Primitive child, double size);
Primitive resize_z_uniform(Primitive child, double size);

resize_D_uniform(child, target) scales child with the same factor along all three dimensions so that its size in dimension D equals target.

3. Evaluation