Difficulty |
2 |
Prerequisites |
Reading material |

var camera = Cameras.perspective( [ "eye": pos(5, 0.5, 5),
"look_at": pos(0, 0.5, 0),
"up": vec(0, 1, 0),
"distance": 1,
"aspect_ratio": 1 ] )
var white_material = Materials.uniform( [ "ambient": Colors.white(),
"diffuse": Colors.black(),
"specular": Colors.black(),
"specular_exponent": 0 ] )
var black_material = Materials.uniform( [ "ambient": Colors.black(),
"diffuse": Colors.black(),
"specular": Colors.black(),
"specular_exponent": 0 ] )
var checkered_material = Materials.from_pattern(Patterns.checkered(1, 1), white_material, black_material)
var root = decorate(checkered_material, xz_plane())
var lights = [ Lights.omnidirectional( pos(0, 10, 0), Colors.white() ) ]
var scene = create_scene(camera, root, lights)
var raytracer = Raytracers.v6()
var renderer = Renderers.standard( [ "width": 500,
"height": 500,
"sampler": Samplers.halfjittered(4, 4),
"ray_tracer": raytracer ] )
pipeline( scene,
[ Pipeline.renderer(renderer),
Pipeline.studio() ] )
Implement the half-jittering sampler. Make it public through a factory function
Expose the sampler to the scripting language by updating |
1. Evaluation
Render the scene below:
Render the scene below:
Write at least 10 tests that check cases easy to compute manually, such as