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1. Deterministic Continuous Random Functions</h1>

To procedurally generate textures, we generally need a source of randomness. Libraries often offer this functionality in the form of a function that returns a new value each time it’s called.

A problem with these random number generators is that they are "too random" for our purposes. Consider the graphs below:

chaotic terrain

smooth terrain

Perlin noise is in essence a random number generator that guarantees a certain smoothness. Concretely, what we want is some function double random(double x) that satisfies the following conditions:

  • random must be deterministic: random(x) must return the same result when given the same x.

  • random must be continuous: random(x) and random(x + 0.00001) should be close to each other, i.e. no sudden jumps.

Perlin noise satisfies these criteria.

The function double random(double x) is one-dimensional: it associates a value with each double. We can lift this to higher dimensions:

  • double random(const Point2D&) is a two dimensional variant: it associates a value with each Point2D.

  • double random(const Point3D&) is three dimensional: each point in 3D space is mapped to a value.

2. Perlin Noise

Perlin noise is such a deterministic continuous function. For the remainder of this page, we will work in 2D, i.e. we will build a function double perlin(const Point2D&).

Perlin noise works as follows: take a 2D grid of 1 × 1 cells and associate a unit vector with every intersection.

grid vectors

In order to determine the value associated with a point \(P(x, y)\), you need to find out in which grid cell it resides. Its corners are

\[ Q_1(\lfloor x \rfloor, \lfloor y \rfloor) \qquad Q_2(\lfloor x \rfloor, \lceil y \rceil) \qquad Q_3(\lceil x \rceil, \lceil y \rceil) \qquad Q_4(\lceil x \rceil, \lfloor y \rfloor) \qquad\]

where \(\lfloor x \rfloor\) corresponds to rounding \(x\) down and \(\lceil x \rceil\) to rounding \(x\) up. Each corner has a unit vector associated with it. We denote the vector corresponding to \(Q_i\) with \(\vec v_i\).</p>

Next, take the dot product of each \(Q_iP\) and \(v_i\):

\[ z_i = (P - Q_i) \cdot v_i\]

Now we have associated a \(z\)-value with each corner. As last step, we need to determine which \(z\)-value to assign to \(P\) itself using interpolation.


Interpolation goes in three steps:

  • Find a function \(f\) with \(f(0) = z_1\) and \(f(1) = z_4\). Compute \(f(x)\).

  • Find a function \(g\) with \(g(0) = z_2\) and \(g(1) = z_3\). Compute \(g(x)\).

  • Find a function \(h\) with \(h(0) = f(x)\) and \(h(1) = g(x)\). Compute \(h(y)\).

The functions \(f\), \(g\) and \(h\) can be linear or, for better results, an easing functions.