Difficulty |
3 |
Prerequisites |
1. Text vs Binary
The default mesh file format is a text format. This means its contents are written in human-readable format, as strings.
1.1. Example
Say we want to store four integers. Stored in text format, this could give
1 2 3 4
Assuming we’re using ASCII, this requires 7 bytes of storage: each number is one digit long (totalling 4 bytes), and they must somehow be separated from each other, e.g., using spaces (3 extra separator bytes).
If we were to store this in binary form, there are a number of choices to be made. Let’s say we use 32 bits per integer and apply little-endian byte order. This results in (we use hexadecimal notation):
01 00 00 00
02 00 00 00
03 00 00 00
04 00 00 00
Note the following:
Using this format requires 16 bytes, i.e., 4 bytes per integer. This is an increase compared to the text format.
No separators such as spaces are necessary, since we know that each integer will take exactly 4 bytes.
2. File Size
The example given above seems to imply that binary format is less efficient spacewise. However, when used appropriately, binary formats are always more compact.
Why is the text format more efficient in our example? Simple: because the integers are small, meaning they need few digits in decimal notation. However, the binary format assumes the numbers can be large (up to 4 billion) and chooses to use 4 bytes per integer.
If the numbers were larger, in the order of millions, the text format would require at least 7 bytes per number, amounting to around 30 bytes total, whereas the binary format would still only need 16 bytes. If, however, the numbers are guaranteed to be small, say less than 1000, the text format would need up to 3 bytes per number, while the binary format could get away by using a fixed 2 bytes per integer.
3. Reading
3.1. Reading Text Files
std::ifstream in(path);
unsigned a, b, c, d;
in >> a >> b >> c >> d;
Reading a text file from code is not difficult, but it can be rather slow:
Digits are read in one by one.
Digits need to be converted from ASCII to 0-9.
Digits need to be combined in a bigger number using arithmetic.
3.2. Reading Binary Files
std::ifstream in(path, std::ios::binary);
unsigned ns[4]; // (1)
in.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(ns), sizeof(numbers)); // (2)
unsigned& a = ns[0]; // (3)
unsigned& b = ns[1];
unsigned& c = ns[2];
unsigned& d = ns[3];
A contiguous block of memory is allocated.
All data is read in one step.
If necessary, aliases can be introduced to name each number.
4. Assignment
Create tool (in language of choice) that converts a mesh from text to binary format. |
Write a function
It works similarly to the given function |
5. Evaluation
Explain your binary format. |
Render a mesh that is stored in binary format. |
Measure the difference in loading times. |