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1. Basic Types

An animation is, as is explained on this page regarding the mathematics behind animations, a function which associates each moment in time with a value. This value can be of any type: double, Angle, Point3D, …

The ray tracer’s animation module has three types at its core:

  • Duration models duration. This class is comparable to time spans. For example, "5 seconds" is a possible values for Duration.

  • TimeStamp represents a moment in time. You can compare this to a date or time of day.

  • Animation<T> models an animation of a T. For example Animation<double> represents a double animation, but you could also animate Point3Ds, Colors, etc.

We take a detailed look at each in turn.

2. Duration

Duration objects are created using factory functions:

  • Duration::zero() creates a duration of 0 seconds.

  • Duration::infinite() represents an infinitely long duration.

  • Duration::from_milliseconds(double) and Duration::from_seconds(double) allow you to create Durations from milliseconds and seconds, respectively.

C++ allows us to define custom literals. These come in handy for durations. For example, say you want to create a Duration of 4 seconds, you can write 4_s. It also works with milliseconds: 4000_ms.


This only works with compile time constants: you cannot have some variable x = 5 and then use x_s to create a Duration of 5 seconds. In this case, you have no other choice than to rely on a regular factory function: TimeStamp::from_seconds(x).

2.1. Operators

Some standard operators have also been defined on durations:


































3. TimeStamp

As explained above, a TimeStamp represents a specific moment in time. An important TimeStamp value is the zero time \(T_0\), also referred to as the epoch, which in essence corresponds to "the beginning of time". Animations will generally start at this moment. Other TimeStamp values are expressed as "time passed since epoch". For example, an animation that takes 5 seconds starts at \(T_0\) and ends at \(T_0 + 5\mathrm{s}\).

To create TimeStamps, we once again rely on factory functions:

  • TimeStamp::zero() returns the zero time \(T_0\).

  • TimeStamp::from_epoch(const Duration& d) creates a TimeStamp representing the moment \(T_0 + d\). For example, \(T_0 + 5\mathrm{s}\) is created using TimeStamp::from_epoch(5_s).

3.1. Operators

























4. Animation<T>

Animation<T> represents an animation. Its most important member function is operator (): given an Animation object anim and a TimeStamp timestamp, you can write anim(timestamp) to ask the animation what its value is at the given time.

For example, say you create a double animation called anim that goes from 10 to 20 in 5 seconds.

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For the purposes of creating animations, the seconds() member function will also come in handy: timestamp.seconds() returns the number of seconds passed since zero time. For example, TimeStamp::from_epoch(5_s).seconds() returns 5.

4.1. Creation

There are multiple ways of creating animations, but the most straightforward way consists of making use of lambda functions. Let’s dive right into it with a simple example.

Let’s create a double animation that goes from 0 to 1 in 1 second. If we were to write this as a regular function, we would get

double animate(TimeStamp ts)
  return ts.seconds();

This function receives a TimeStamp, looks at how many seconds have past since zero time in seconds, and uses that as return value. This means that after 0 seconds, it returns 0, after 0.5 seconds, it returns 0.5, etc.

This function takes a TimeStamp and returns a double. Say we want to store this function in a variable (the function itself, not its return value!), what type should this variable have? C++ offers a type std::function which represents types of functions.

std::function<double(TimeStamp)> func = animate;

Take a good look at its syntax: it has the form std::function<R(T1, T2, …​)> where T1, T2, … are the parameter types and R is the return type of the function.

A lambda function is a function you define inline, as follows:

std::function<double(TimeStamp)> func = [](TimeStamp ts) -> double {
  return ts.seconds();

There are multiple advantages to write it as a lambda function. One is that you don’t have to define a separate animate function thereby avoiding cluttering the current scope. Compare this to local variables versus member variables (fields): a member variable is visible to all member functions of the object, while a local variable is only visible inside the member function it is defined in. You should always restrict visibility as much as possible; using lambda functions allows you to keep function definitions hidden within another function.

Once you’ve defined a std::function<double(TimeStamp)>, you can wrap it into a Function object with the from_lambda helper function. In this specific context, this is admittedly a rather redundant step, but it was done to keep things consistent with other parts of the ray tracer. For now, you will have to accept that you have to wrap a lambda function into a Function object.

This Function can be used to define an animation using make_animation. Put together, the code to create a basic animation looks like this:

std::lambda<double(TimeStamp)> lambda = [](TimeStamp now) {
  return now.seconds();

Animation<double> anim = make_animation( from_lambda(lambda), 1_s );

What if we want to create a double animation that goes from 0 to 5 in 1 second? We can hardcode it:

std::lambda<double(TimeStamp)> lambda = [](TimeStamp now) {
  return now.seconds() * 5;

Animation<double> anim = make_animation( from_lambda(lambda), 1_s );

But as you know, hardcoding is rarely a good solution. If we were to need a 0 to 7 or a 0 to 100 animation, we would have to duplicate this code each time. We’d rather create a function that does the job for us:

Animation<double> create_basic_animation(double to)
  std::lambda<double(TimeStamp)> lambda = [to](TimeStamp now) {
    return now.seconds() * to;

  return make_animation( from_lambda(lambda), 1_s );

Note how the lambda function makes use of the to variable, which is a local variable in the surrounding scope. to is said to be a captured variable. C++ requires you to be explicit about capturing: you need to mention each captured variable in the lambda function’s capture list. This list appears just before the parameter list, between square brackets. In our case, this list is [to].

There are two ways to capture variables: you can capture them either by value or by reference. to is captured by value: this means that the lambda function receives a copy. This is the safest way to go about it.

To capture a variable by reference, you need to prefix it with an ampersand (&). For example, to capture to by reference, the capture list would become [&to]. This is more efficient for large objects and allows you to write to the captured variable, but it is more dangerous as you need to ensure that the variable still exists when the lambda function is called.

In our case, to should definitely not be passed by reference: it is a parameter of create_basic_animation, which means that it disappears after create_basic_animation returns. For example, the code below has undefined behavior:

Animation<double> create_basic_animation(double to)
  // to captured by reference
  std::lambda<double(TimeStamp)> lambda = [&to](TimeStamp now) {
    return now.seconds() * to;

  // Dangerous: the animation contains a lambda that refers to local variable to
  // but local variable to goes out of scope
  return make_animation( from_lambda(lambda), 1_s );

auto anim = create_basic_animation(5);
auto value = anim(0.1_s); // calls lambda, which refers to 'to', which does not exist anymore at this point

4.2. Example: Generalized Double Animation

We now generalize the basic animation so that we can choose an initial value \(a\), a final value \(b\) and a duration \(\tau\). Using the mathematical formulae, we get

\[X(t) = t \qquad f(x) = a + (b - c) \cdot x \qquad g(t) = \frac{t}{\tau}\]

Combining these yields

\[f \circ X \circ g = f(X(g(t))) = f(X(\frac{t}{\tau})) = f(\frac{t}{\tau}) = a + (b-c) \cdot \frac{t}{\tau}\]

Translated to C++, this gives

Animation<double> double_animation(double from, double to, Duration duration)
  std::function<double(TimeStamp)> lambda = [from, to, duration](TimeStamp now) {
    return from + (to - from) * now.seconds() / duration.seconds();

  return make_animation( from_lambda(lambda), duration );

4.3. Example: Color Animation

Animations can act as building blocks. For example, let’s create an animation that animates a color.

Animation<Color> color_animation(const Color& from, const Color& to, Duration duration)
  auto r = double_animation(from.r, to.r, duration);
  auto g = double_animation(from.g, to.g, duration);
  auto b = double_animation(from.b, to.b, duration);

  std::lambda<Color(TimeStamp)> lambda = [r, g, b](TimeStamp now) {
    return Color( r(now), g(now), b(now) );

  return make_animation( from_lambda(lambda), duration );