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For this project, we expect you to follow a certain Git workflow. This involves making use of Git branches, merges, rebases but also of GitHub’s features.

The project consists of adding extensions (e.g., parallel scheduler, triangle, random sampler) to a given ray tracer.


The following rules must be adhered to:

  • Commit often. Use descriptive commit messages.

  • Every extension must be developed in its own branch.

  • The master branch must remain "clean" and contain only one commit per extension. Note: this does not mean you have to implement extensions as a single commit: you can squash multiple commits together when merging with master. Details follow below.

  • Make use of GitHub’s automated kanban features.

1. Starting New Extension

  • On GitHub, go to the project.

  • Move the issue from the To Do column to the In Progress column. If the issue for that extension does not exist (maybe extensions were added later on), create it yourself.

  • Assign yourself to the issue.

Next, in a shell:

# From the master branch, create a new branch named after the extension:
(master) $ git checkout -b extension-branch

# Link the new local branch with a remote branch of the same name
(extension-branch) $ git push -u origin extension-branch

Only the creator of the branch should make commits to this branch. If multiple authors start committing to this branch, you could be in for a lot of trouble later on.

2. Updating Extension Branch

While you are working on an extension on a separate branch, another team mate might have finished one of their extensions and merged it with master.

master update

For example, in the diagram above, you started working on the Fisheye Camera extension while Triangle was the last extension on master. You made two commits while working on fisheye, but in the meantime someone finished Random Sampler. This can cause conflicts to occur when you try to merge fisheye into master later on. To prevent this from happening, you will first import all Random Sampler related changes into fisheye by rebasing fisheye.

# From the master branch, create a new branch named after the extension:
(extension-branch) $ git rebase master

# Pushing requires a little force because rebase rewrites history
(extension-branch) $ git push --force-with-lease

If rebasing causes trouble and you’d rather wait for help, you can abort the rebase operation:

(extension-branch) $ git rebase --abort

Never use rebase on master! rebase changes the Git history and will cause issues on your team mates' machines.

3. Finishing Extension


Make sure to only merge with master when you have successfully rebased the extension branch.

# Go back to master branch
(extension-branch) $ git checkout master

# Merge, squashing all commits
(master) $ git merge --squash --ff-only extension-branch

# Commit with the correct issue number
# This will automatically close the issue and move it to the Done column of the kanban board.
(master) $ git commit -m "Closes #5"

# Push to GitHub
(master) $ git push

If merging fails with a message of not being able to fast forward, this means you have not rebased your extension branch correctly.


Do not delete the extension branch.

4. Fixing an Extension

In case you find a bug in an extension after its branch has been merged with master, you need to create a new branch.

(master) $ git checkout -b extension-fix

Treat it like a regular extension branch: rebase, merge squash, etc.